Registration Fees:


Early Bird Registration

(on or before 7 April, 2016)


Late Registration

(after 7 April, 2016 and Onsite)


1000 BDT*

1200 BDT


Faculty, Researcher

1500 BDT

2000 BDT


Industry 3000 BDT 3500 BD

Registration Procedure:

A person can participate in the conference either as an attendee or as a speaker/presenter. To participate, one has to register for the conference before the deadline. Authors must submit their abstract online abstract submission portal available under 'Abstract Submission' page of this website.

The conference committee will not be responsible for the participant's conference fee, transportation from recent location to the conference location and accommodation during the event. However transportation or accommodation information will be provided on request.

* The registration fee will be reduced 30 % for students who register in a group of 10.

What Registration Fees Covers?

The registration fee will cover the conference kit, program, tea during breaks and 2 days lunches. Registration without payment will be disregarded.

Payment Methods:

By credit: bKash number: [01746-622640 or 01707-429971]
By cash: on site
To register for the event, please fill-out the online form below.

@Copyright 2015. All rights reserved by Asian University for Woman