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MFN No 11929

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Book Title The hunt for the Buru : the true story of the search for a prehistoric reptile in North India
Author Izzard, Ralph;
Subject History
Descriptors Assam; Travel; Animals;
Call No DS485.A84I84
Description This firsthand account of a 1948 journey to a treacherous valley in northern India in search of a mysterious creature is both a classic travel adventure and a graphic record of an amazing expedition. The book chronicles the group’s movement into a remote valley in Assam, where the inhabitants had only recently given up headhunting, on a quest for the Buru—an elusive, monstrous reptile well documented by those native to the area. The Buru, like the Yeti, Bigfoot, and the Loch Ness monster, has captured the imagination of adventurers around the world, and remains a popular subject of cryptozoology—the study of animals yet to be discovered by science. Recalled in vivid detail are treks through hazardous swamplands filled with cobras and leeches, and campaigns through perilous jungles where thumbnail-sized ticks and wild boar are indigenous, all in the hunt for the legendary saurian. - Source: Google Books
Volume 0
Imprint Craven Street Books: CA, 2001
ISBN 9780941936651
Edition NONE
Language English
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